Vocational education
For a more accurate and complete approach of the Internal Control Management System in public entities, the internal staff has the obligation to manage total system documentation throughout the period of incorporation stages: development, implementation, monitoring, reporting, improvement. Being a relatively new field, with increased complexity, the task of managing the system documentation cannot be undertaken by the employees of the public entity without prior training.
In this respect, our company provides practical training to take over the tasks of deployment and management of the Internal Control Management System, based on our own two textbooks:

„The Internal Control Management System in public entities”
The textbook provides, in a new approach, a set of best practices with a special utility for implementing management and internal control systems in public entities, given its particularities.
From this perspective, the presentation is focused, on the one hand, on the description of the latest concepts, methods, techniques and procedures related to the general context of the implementation of management and internal control systems and, on the other hand, on the issue of connection and cooperation of ICMS (SCIM) under the provisions of GSG no. 600/2018, with other management systems: integrated management system (Quality, according to SR EN ISO 9001:2008, Environmental: ISO 14001:2005, Occupational Health and Safety: OHSAS 18001:2008, Information Security according to: ISO/IEC 27001:2006, etc.) and strategic planning system (Business Scorecard), without which the implementation of SCIM in public entities cannot be addressed properly.

„Audit of Internal Control and Management Systems”
The textbook presents a set of best practices with a special utility for public internal auditors performing tasks/ audit actions/control in public entities, due to the peculiarities of management and internal control systems. From this perspective, the presentation is focused on describing the newest concepts, methods, techniques and procedures related to the general context of auditing management and internal control systems, including the role to be best followed by internal audit in the implementation/development and maintenance of the management and internal control system in public entities.

Education and Training "e-Learning Module"
For a better understanding and a practical approach of the Internal Control Management System, the two textbooks can be accessed through the e-Learning Module integrated in the „e-S.C.I.M.” platform.
In the e-Learning, the education and training participants are permanently supported in covering the integrated chapters of study material, any difficulty raised by their content is discussed with the support lecturer allocated to each group of participants integrated into e-Learning. Within the education and training program the two textbooks follow a practical approach of the Internal Control Management System, thus, the lecturers pursue learning from the participants of the application techniques and management of the Internal Control Management System, starting with the stage of development/implementation and finishing with the reporting/auditing.
The study period of the two textbooks is of 3-6 months, depending on the specific choice and number of participants assigned to each training session.
Training and education sessions
On request, our company organizes education sessions and staff training on both textbooks, implementation of Internal Control Management System or Audit of Internal Control Systems in public entities.
Compared with training sessions and education through the e-Learning module, where the whole process takes place online, these training sessions follow the classic methodology training procedure. The technical details about this process are set according to the requirements and criteria of each beneficiary.